Zinc (II) Ions-Mediated Hydrolyzing and Degrading functions for bacterial Cell Walls, Viral Protein and RNA, and Cancerous malignancy and Metastasis

Author Details

Dr. Sci. Tsuneo Ishida

Journal Details


Published: 10 September 2018 | Article Type :


Hydrolysis and degradation activities of Zn2+ ions were investigated for bacteriolyses of bacterial cell walls, viral protein and RNA degradations, and regulation of cancer/tumor cell growth. Zn2+ions-mediated hydrolytic and degradative functions for bacteria are due to bacteriolyses and destructions of bacterial cell walls by the inhibitions of PGN elongation owing to activated PGN autolysins.Zn2+ ions-mediated degradative function for viruses is viral protein hydrolysis, viral Mrna degradation, and bacteriophage viral-endolysins, by thatZn2+ion inhibits HIV-1 by recruiting the 5’ and 3’ mRNA degradation, b specifically promotes the degradation of multiply spliced HIV-1 m-RNAs. Zinc selectively and markedly down-regulated nonstructural protein levels by increasing protein degradation.Furthermore,Zn2+-mediated hydrolyzing and degrading function for cancer cell is related to protea some and autophage that leads to cancer and tumor cell death, Zn2+ions inhibit malignant tumor proliferation and metastasis, and zinc complex and zinc chelation that have important roles for anticancer/tumor apoptotic death. Thus, these hydrolysis and degradation methods have being now noteworthy under the hydrolase enzymic development for bactericidal, virucidal, and cancerous cell death .

Keywords: Hydrolytic and degradative function, Zn2+ ions, PGN autolysin, Viral protein and mRNA degradation, Malignant tumor proliferation, Metastasis, Zinc complex and chelation.

Abbreviation: APC=activated protein C,APN=aminopeptidaseN, ATP=adenosine triphosphate, E.coli=Escherichia coli, EMT=epithelial to mesenchymal transition, ERAD=endoplasmic reticulumassociated degradation, IFN=inter-feron , HCV=hepatitis Cvirus, HIV=human immunodeficiency virus, MTs=metallothioneins, NC=nucleocapsid protein,NS5A=non-structural 5A,PolⅡ=polymeraseⅡ, PGN=peptideglycan, PTEN=phosphatase and tensin homologdeleted from chromosome 10, humanairway epithelialcells,S.aureus=Staphylococcusaureus, SINV=Sindbisvirus, SNP=sodium nitroprusside,TAR=transactivating region,TG=glycosylase,TP=transpeptidase,TRIM11=Tripartite motif 11,RBBP9=Retinoblastoma-binding protein 9, ZAP=Zinc-finger antiviral protein, ZnMP=zinc mesoporphyrin,ZIPs=zinc importers, ZNTs=zinc transporters, ZnONPs=zincoxide nanoparticles.

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How to Cite


Dr. Sci. Tsuneo Ishida. (2018-09-10). "Zinc (II) Ions-Mediated Hydrolyzing and Degrading functions for bacterial Cell Walls, Viral Protein and RNA, and Cancerous malignancy and Metastasis." *Volume 2*, 3, 17-25